Identity & Access Governance

Identity and access governance (IAG) is a critical part of any organizations security, as it is linked to the protection of information assets in the organization.

Compromised user credentials often serve as an entry point into an organization’s network and its information assets. Identity governance is used to safeguard information assets against rising cyber security threats.

It is very common that users have more access privileges than necessary. A robust IAG process provides the organization the means to ensure that the principle of least privilege can be applied. This means that users only have the access they are entitled to and need.

Cyber criminals will always aim to gain access to high privilege accounts to enable access to critical systems. IAG plays a particularly important role with high privilege account to ensure that only these with a businsess need can gain such access.

Seadot Cybersecurity consultants can help you with your IAG strategy, planning and implementation. Give us a call and we can discuss.

Contact us!

Emma Stewén
+46 76 601 15 10