We secure your business and products

Most organizations of the 2020s strive to digitize and automate their operations to innovate and optimize. Every aspect of the digital organization has important cybersecurity implications. As organizations seek to innovate and create more digital customer experiences, they must also assess and manage the security risks.

Seadot Cybersecurity has the experience and expertise to help organizations in their efforts to successfully manage risk. Hand in hand with the rapid digitization and technology transformation, comes a rapid increase in advanced cyber security threats. No organization is immune.

Seadot can help organizations utilize the digitization to their advantage, and managing the risks that security threats impose. Only when security is managed well will an organization be able to truly thrive in the world of today.

Let Seadot Cybersecurity be your digital enabler!

Information Security ManagementCreate a systematic approach to security

Information security has grown more and more important over the years and is today critical for every organization.  Proprietary, confidential, sensitive, and intellectual data and information are all recognized as valuable assets that require protection from internal and external threats. If information is breached, stolen, or mishandled, it can cause personal harm to an individual, impact the ability  the business, it’s reputation, and result in extensive financial damages.

IT SecurityRun your IT with security in mind

Most organizations of the 2020s have a digital presence and many build their business entirely on digital channels. With the digital approach comes the need to manage the IT security risks. Enter IT security.

Cybersecurity complianceMake the most of compliance

Compliance regulations provide organizations with directives for safeguarding their data and IT systems, and for addressing existing privacy and security concerns. Also, compliance regulations ensure that companies fulfill their obligations to prevent incidents caused by negligence or the implementation of insufficient security programs.


2024.09.11Panel Discussion - ISO 27001 certification or ISAE 3402 SOC report?

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2024.09.04Panel Discussion - SOC/SIEM: Build In-House or Buy as a Service?

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Contact us!

Emma Stewén
+46 76 601 15 10

Information Security Management System

We offer senior information security consultants. Our consultants have extensive experience in implementation of Information Security Management Systems – ISMS, as well as risk analysis and governance.

IT Security Guidelines

The purpose of the IT security guidelines is to provide practical guidance on how organizations can protect their systems and information from security threats. The guidelines can target individuals as well as different groups/functions within an organization

Security Information & Event Management

As IT environments grow in size and complexity it becomes virtually impossible to manually monitor for security incidents. SIEM tools are a good way to collect all relevant information in the environment and trigger security events to be analyzed further in real time.

Regulatory Compliance

Today many organizations must manage regulatory compliance one way or the other. And the trend is that more regulation to comply with can be expected. Therefore organizations should address compliance with a structured program to be efficient and to draw as many benefits as possible when doing the work.